
Bringing 15 years of experience


This complimentary demonstration offers an introduction into the technology and a demo session to discuss and account for your individual questions, unique situations, and needs.


Receive expert guidance and support to navigate the best course of sessions, adjusting various elements to your (and your family’s) individual needs. Learn simple dowsing techniques to help you tune into the messages and needs of your body. Acquire stress reduction techniques to practice at home.


Have the benefit of a wealth of experience and knowledge. Receive clear and practical instruction and support in your role as a wellness practitioner. Have the advantage of mentoring with an ambassador and practitioner helping clients for the past two years and as consultant in a 12 participant, four month Lyme to Wellness pilot program through the Wellness For Humanity Foundation. Access to materials developed for coiling practices.


Evaluate your body in multiple dimensions. The QXCI/SCIO device is programmed with thousands of assessment tools. Using mathematical images or fractals, the QXCI/SCIO evaluates and interprets the patterns in your body, determines what is causing the most stress, and shows what your body wants for support. QXCI/SCIO Biofeedback can provide information about adrenal function, brain function, immune function, hydration, nutrients, hormones, pH levels, toxins, bacteria, yeast and your body’s capacity to deal with pathogens.

Meridian Tapping Sessions

Learn from a vast array of tapping techniques for personal use and to share with clients. The BodyTalk Cortices method focuses on coordinating the efforts of the right and left aspects of the brain to bring the body back into balance. It helps with stress, pain, sleep, fatigue, and injury. EFT or the Emotional Freedom Technique is a warrior in releasing emotional roadblocks. Pooled from a host of techniques considering individual needs. Learn simple dowsing techniques to help you tune into the messages and needs of your body and those of your clients.